REGISTER NOW — Pilgrim Pines


CAMP SQUANTO 2025 Registration is open!

Squanto registration is available online

Need help? Contact us at or call us at 603.352.0443.
We are here to help! (We no longer accept paper registrations.)


This year, all payments will be made online with your registration. Families have the option of paying in full, setting up a monthly payment plan, or paying the deposit today and the balance on June 1st. All of these options will be set up on the check-out page and payments will be automatically charged based upon your selection.

What if someone else is paying some of our camp fees?
If someone else is contributing to your camp payments (such as your church), you should request that they direct those contributions directly to you.

What if I applied for a scholarship?
If you have been awarded a scholarship, you will see the scholarship award on your account. The scholarship amount will reduce the amount due on the payment page.

If you are still waiting to hear about your scholarship application, you can register, select a payment option, and check out. If you are awarded a scholarship, then we will refund your credit card for the awarded amount.

Medical Form Information

After you complete the online registration, you will still need to send in a Doctor's Health Form and Immunizations. Click here for more information

If your doctor does not offer a standard camp health form, please download and use this one.

If your child will be carrying an Epi-pen or Inhaler with them at camp, please fill out this form. 

All Health Forms and Immunizations are due by June 1st.

Cancellation Details

If Camp Squanto 2025 is canceled for any reason, then all registered campers will be eligible to transfer all payments to 2026, receive a full refund, or turn their payments into a donation.