
We seek to foster relationships where campers are built up by staff and by each other.  All this happens through games, events, and discussions.  Some of the activities offered are -

  • Target Sports

  • Athletics

  • Arts & Crafts

  • Outdoor Adventure

  • Zipline

  • Swimming Skills

  • Boating

  • Big Games

  • Worship

  • Experientials

  • Paddle Boards

  • Cabin Devotionals

  • Carpet Ball

  • Ga-Ga Ball

  • Basketball

  • Vertical Nine Square

  • Tether Ball

  • Climbing Tower

  • Camp Store

  • + More

Arrival and

Registration for incoming campers will take place on Sunday afternoon. (Pathfinders and LITs arrive Wednesday.) Seven days prior to your session you will receive an email with your arrival time.

Camp Squanto Map

LATE ARRIVALS: We highly encourage campers attend the entire duration of their camp program. The programs are designed to build upon what the campers are learning throughout the week. Arriving late may result in them missing out from important events or activities. We do understand that these arrangements may be necessary. If you need to schedule a late arrival, please contact us to schedule your arrival time at 603.352.0443.

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We will be offering limited Saturday overnights between several sessions this summer. Please know that capacity will be very limited and not available for all sessions. Please contact our camp registrar for more information. Additional fee required.

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We are excited to announce our new "Squanto Buddy Bonus" program, which is designed to introduce first-time campers to Camp Squanto! Not only will you have the chance to share Camp Squanto with your friends, but you will also receive a reward. For each friend you invite who meets the eligibility criteria, you will receive a $100 incentive reward ($50 for mini week and pathfinders). To ensure fairness and clarity, please review the eligibility criteria and terms here. 

Buddy Bonus

bullying policy

Bullying is when one or more people exclude, tease, taunt, gossip, hit, kick or put down another person with the intent to hurt another. Camp Squanto does not tolerate bullying of any kind. We do our very best to prevent bullying from happening, but in the case that it does occur, any camper involved in bullying another camper will be removed from camp. The camper’s parent/legal guardian will be responsible for picking up the camper within an appropriate time frame of the decision to dismiss the child from camp. Refunds will not be given for any camper who is sent home/removed from the program early for disciplinary reasons.

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Campers are limited to $5.00/day for candy and beverages, but other purchases may be made throughout the week (i.e. t-shirts, sweatshirts, frisbees, water bottles, etc.). Spending money is deposited into a Camp Store account and works as a debit account for all purchases.

If you deposited money online with your registration, your camper’s account already has money in it!  If you didn’t deposit money online with your registration, simply log into your account to deposit money into your camper’s account. You can add money to your child’s account at any time.

(You can also check on their balance during the week! If they are running low, you can deposit additional money into their account and it will show up immediately on their account.)

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If you need to cancel your camper’s registration, please note that NO cancellations will be taken by phone, only through e-mail or written letter.

All paid fees, excluding the $75 registration fee, will be returned if notification is postmarked at least 14 days prior to the first day of camp.

One half of all paid fees, excluding the $75 registration fee, will be returned if notification is postmarked less than 14 days before the start of camp.

There is no refund for cancellations received on the first day of camp, if a camper is a “no-show”, or if a camper leaves during the session.

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Climbing Wall/

Campers at least 8 years old may have the opportunity to experience the Climbing Wall. Campers at least 10 years old may have the chance to ride the Zipline.  

Participation must be approved by a parent/legal guardian by signing the Liability Waiver as part of the online registration process.

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Please address camper mail as follows: Camper Name/Camp Squanto/156 West Shore Road/Swanzey, NH 03446.

You can leave packages with the Camp Squanto staff at Check-In at the Pavilion as well. We will make sure they are delivered to your camper on one of our two Mail Days, Tuesday or Thursday. It is helpful if you specify which day you would like your camper to receive them. (Please be mindful that we may have campers with nut/tree nut allergies, so please don’t send food items with nuts/tree nuts.)

There is a limit of one package per camper per week.

Campers can mail letters home. Stamps and postcards are sold in the Camp Store.

Phone Use: The telephone at Camp Squanto is for business & emergency use only. Campers are not allowed to use the phone. Camper cell phones are not allowed at Camp Squanto and will be confiscated and held until departure day.

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June, 2024

The novelty of the Covid virus was both its novelty (we hadn’t seen anything quite like it, so we had no immunity) and its ability to quickly mutate (therefore, waves of infection caused by new variants). Data has shown that the novelty has worn off, and barring some major shift in the virus, the SARS CoV2 virus and its offspring will join the long list of respiratory viruses that routinely infect us, complicating our lives but not threatening them.  

This new reality is summarized in a May 2023 joint statement from the American Camp Association and the Alliance for Camp Health:

“COVID-19 is one of a multitude of respiratory viruses that may be present at camp this year, the vast majority of which are mild, self-limited, and do not require testing to change the treatment or trajectory of the illness in healthy children.”

With this in mind, here is what will happen with any camper (or staff member) who develops symptoms of an upper respiratory infection (URI) while at Camp Squanto in the summer of 2025:

  • If a camper develops URI symptoms with fever, they will be removed from camp activities and monitored in our health center.

  • If fever persists for more than 24 hrs, they probably are going to stay contagious for several more days and should return home.

  • We suggest you test your camper before arriving at camp, especially if your camper is exhibiting signs of Covid.

  • Given that Covid is no longer a unique threat, campers and staff with URI symptoms will not be routinely tested for Covid, as it would not change the above management.


Campers must be checked out promptly. Parents will park in the Mayflower Chapel parking lot and walk up to the Squanto Pavilion.

For our campers’ safety, we will check Photo IDs, so please make sure that whoever is picking up your child is prepared to show their photo ID. Your camper will be released from their cabin only once you’ve checked them out and have verification to give to their counselor. You will be able to pick up your camper’s belongings at their cabin.

Trailblazer Mini 1 & 2 - Check Out is on Wednesday.

EARLY PICK-UP: We highly encourage that campers attend the entire duration of their camp program. The programs are designed to build upon what the campers are learning throughout the week. Departing early may result in them missing out from important events or activities. We do understand that these arrangements may be necessary. If you need to schedule an early departure, please contact us to schedule your pick-up time at 603.352.0443. (Camp fees will not be pro-rated.)

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Dietary allergies

Camp Squanto will try to accommodate your camper’s dietary allergies.

Peanuts/Tree Nuts: Our kitchen does not use or serve peanuts or tree nuts, but we cannot guarantee that our products have not been processed in a facility with nuts.

Shellfish: Our kitchen does not use or serve any type of shellfish.

Gluten: We can accommodate a gluten free diet, but we are not a certified gluten-free kitchen.

Dairy: We can accommodate a dairy free diet. We can provide Lactaid as a dairy alternative.

Vegetarian: We can accommodate a vegetarian diet by offering either a vegetarian option or salad bar.

If your camper requires accommodations not listed above (for example - if your camper is celiac and requires a strict gluten free diet), you can provide pre-prepared food for your camper and our kitchen staff will be happy to store and serve it.

While dietary allergies are requested as part of the registration process, please inform us of any changes between the dates you submitted your registration and the date of attendance.

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New Camper -
If this is your first time attending Squanto, you will receive $25 off.  
(Pathfinders and Mini Weeks will receive $15 off.)

Family Pack -
Families with 2 or more children attending camp can save! First child pays full price and any additional child will receive a $25 discount.
(Pathfinders & Mini Weeks will receive $15 off.)

Financial Assistance -
If you need financial assistance, please contact us for a scholarship form at 603.352.0443 or

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dress code

It is our desire that Camp Squanto be a place where campers can escape distractions during their stay, a place where they focus their eyes and hearts on a relationship with Jesus. The intent is to not bring attention to how one looks, but to highlight our walk of faith, love, and pursuit of Jesus. Therefore, Campers and Staff are required to adhere to the Camp Dress Code:

  • Girl swimsuits should be a one-piece, a tankini, or a modest two-piece. (i.e. no string bikinis)

  • Boy swimsuits must be swim trunks (no speedo style) and reach below fingertips when standing.

  • Shorts, dresses, skirts should be modest in length and appropriate for camp activities.

  • Undergarments should never be visible including underwear/boxers.

  • No belly shirts, crop tops, or low cut tops.

  • No see through clothing or pants/shorts with holes above the mid-thigh.

  • No clothing with reference to any type of alcoholic beverage, illegal substance, drugs, swear words, indecent or sexually suggestive subjects.

Note: Camp Squanto Directors & Staff reserve the right to ask anyone on the camp property to change clothing that is deemed inappropriate for camp.

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health forms

You will fill out the Camper Health and Release form when you register online. In addition to the form submitted online, Camp Squanto requires a physical form signed by their doctor and a copy of their immunization records. Campers are required to have a complete physical within 24 months of the start of camp. 


Please note that the Health Form due date has moved up to June 1st,
so please plan accordingly when scheduling your camper’s appointments.

If your camper is exempt from receiving immunizations, please contact Camp Squanto and provide us with a copy of the immunization exemption form provided by the state of residence. 

A standard school/sports/camp form from your child’s physician is acceptable. If your doctor doesn't have a standard camp form, please use this form

If your child will be carrying an Epi-pen or Inhaler with them at camp, please fill out this form. 

Any changes to the camper’s health between the date the health forms are submitted and the date of attendance must be communicated to Camp Squanto. No camper will be allowed to stay at camp without a completed Doctor's Form & Immunizations on file.  (Nurse practitioner or physician assistant signatures are acceptable).

Send in your Doctor's Health Form & Immunizations by one of the following methods:

  • Mail to Camp Squanto Nurse at 220 West Shore Road, Swanzey, NH 03446

  • Fax to Camp Squanto Nurse at 603.357.7660

  • Scan and email a PDF to

  • Upload your completed form as a PDF by logging back into your account and using the "Upload Documents" section. Note - we can NOT accept poor-quality pictures of forms.

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with Cars

If your camper has their own car and needs to drive themselves to camp, this must be arranged ahead of time by calling the Squanto office at 603.352.0443. The camper must provide their keys to the parking attendant and place their parking pass on their dashboard.  The keys collected by the parking attendant will be provided to the Camp Squanto Director and returned to the camper at check-out.  

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LIT info

LIT Application Process

  1. Complete the LIT application form found HERE.

  2. We require that you submit three (3) reference forms to be considered for the program. Reference forms will be filled out online by the reference. The online form can be found HERE.

  3. Once all materials are received, you will hear from camp regarding admission into the program as space is limited.

  4. If accepted into the program, you will receive further instructions for registration.

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All medications must be turned in to the Camp Nurse at check-in for the protection of your child and all other campers. Please be aware that we cannot accept medications with someone else’s name.

All vitamins for your camper, unless they are prescribed by a physician, should be left home. Camp Squanto has a supply of over-the-counter medicines that our Camp Nurse has standing orders to dispense as needed. Please do not send these medications to camp. (We will follow all instructions as you indicated on your medical form about which over-the-counter medications are allowed to be given to your child.)

Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Antibiotic Cream
Antihistamines (Benadryl, Diphenhydramine)
Calamine Lotion / Caladryl Lotion
Cough Drops
Hydrocortisone 1% Cream
Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
Imodium (Loperamide)
Lice Shampoo / Cream
Loratadine (Claritin, Alavert)
Sudafed, Sudafed PE
Tolfinate Cream (Athlete’s Feet)

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Mission Fund

Mission projects are a big part of Camp Squanto. Campers are given opportunities throughout the week to learn about the summer’s mission project and are invited to share in the project through a missions offering. Campers may choose to donate from their store accounts. Please help your camper to understand that all mission offerings are donated and not required. You have the option to have your camper’s store account’s remaining balance donated to the mission fund.

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A non refundable deposit of $75 is due at the time of registration.

We offer three payment schedules:

  • Pay full amount today

  • Pay deposit today and the balance will be automatically charged on June 1, 2025

  • Pay deposit today and make monthly payments that will be automatically charged on the first of the month through June 1, 2025

What if someone else is paying some of our camp fees?
If someone else is contributing to your camp payments (such as your church), you should request that they direct those contributions directly to you.

What if I applied for a scholarship?
If you have been awarded a scholarship, you will see the scholarship award on your account. The scholarship amount will reduce the amount due on the payment page.

If you are still waiting to hear about your scholarship application, you can register, select a payment option, and check out. If you are awarded a scholarship, then we will refund your credit card for the awarded amount.

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Registration is completed online - click HERE to register for Camp Squanto.  

Wondering if a session is still available?  Don't worry, you won't be able to register for a session if it is sold out.  Sold-out sessions will show as "FULL" on the registration page.

If a session is “FULL,” we encourage you to add your camper to the waitlist. Once your camper is accepted off the waitlist, please log back into your account to finalize the registration, submit needed health forms, and make a payment. *Payment will only be taken once your camper has been accepted into a session.


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To help ensure the safety of everyone at camp, and allow for a healthy camp experience we ask that the items listed below under "What to Leave" be left at home. If any of these items are discovered during the week they will be taken and secured by staff and can be picked up in the office at the end of the week. If alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, fireworks, knives or firearms are found campers will immediately be sent home, and proper legal action may be taken.

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What to Bring

Camp Squanto provides a safe place for kids and youth from all walks of life. With this in mind, please assist your camper in packing. Be sure that everything is marked with your camper’s name – and always check the lost & found on Saturday before you leave!

Packing List

  • sleeping bag or sheets and blanket & pillow

  • towels

  • personal items (toiletries)

  • long sleeved shirts and pants*

  • t-shirts*

  • shorts*

  • bathing suits*

  • socks and underwear

  • pajamas

  • sneakers and beach sandals

  • jacket or hooded sweatshirt

  • rain gear (a poncho works great)

  • water bottle (refillable)

  • bug repellent

  • sunscreen

  • flashlight

  • Bible

  • letter writing materials

  • bandana or long sock to use as a "flag" for big games

    * Please refer to the Dress Code for details

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What to leave

  • cell phones

  • personal electronics (including iPads and tablets)

  • knives (yes even pocket knives)

  • alcohol, drugs

  • lighters

  • tobacco, vapes, juuls, e-cigarettes

  • inappropriate reading materials

  • firearms and fireworks

  • vitamins, over the counter medications

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