Has Pilgrim Pines had an impact on your life?

Can you think back to a significant moment from camp which impacted you? Maybe at the Squanto campfire or during cabin devotions?  Were you part of Mayflower Family Camp where a staff member invested in you and helped to build your faith foundation? Perhaps someone close to you has been impacted? If this rings true, I am asking for your help.

Would you like to help others have a similar faith experience? Pilgrim Pines Partners (formally The Family Circle) is designed for people who love and have been positively impacted by camp.

We are so thankful to God for filling this camp time and time again as various groups of people experience Pilgrim Pines throughout the year. Because camp is so well utilized, there is a constant need for upgrades and repairs. This is where Pilgrim Pines Partners steps in. Pilgrim Pines exists to impact every life for Jesus Christ. One of the best ways to do this is through our care and service. This is an opportunity for you to consistently support the infrastructure and facilities that are vital to the ministry of Pilgrim Pines. Gifts can be as large or as small as you choose! Every dollar helps further the ministry of our camp.

Regular, dependable, monthly support gives camp the ability to budget confidently and evenly distribute our cash flow. Pilgrim Pines Partners:

  • Can turn a smaller annual donation into a larger one without a big, one-time strain on your cash flow. Many donors appreciate how monthly giving fits into their personal budgeting plan.
  • Experience convenience. Once you are set up, there’s nothing additional you need to do.
  • Have the ability to change or suspend your donation at any time.
  • Receive special communications about camp initiatives, stories about the impact of camp on individual campers and camp alumni updates.
  • Have the knowledge that your support provides campers with the opportunity to meet God in the midst of His creation and experience a Christ-centered community that transforms lives for the kingdom.

Help us continue to impact every life for Christ through updated facilities, equipment, and supplies.
Become a Pilgrim Pines Partner! Use our online donation link below to get started today.

Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks so much for your consideration.


Jim Condap
Executive Director